Who are we?

Surrey Breastfeeding is a consultancy service for mothers seeking advice, guidance and support for breastfeeding. Whether physical or emotional challenges, current struggles or overcoming previous difficulties, Surrey Breastfeeding is there to help.  

 Our aim is to empower mothers and families to feel they can have a successful and positive journey however that may look for each individual situation. Surrey Breastfeeding promises to guide all families without judgment to get to their desired outcome.


What do we offer?

 Why choose us?


We are…



Surrey Breastfeeding are non judgemental of clients’ previous approaches, current situations and future outcomes. With yourself and your baby's best interests at heart, we are there to consult about your worries, and to advise and guide you through no matter what that may look like.


We are…



At Surrey Breastfeeding we are here to get you through the immediate tough times and guide you through that feeling of crisis. We believe deep down that you can get to the outcome you desire with the right support.


We are…



Our longer term goal is to give you enough support so that you are educated to conquer any future issues, face challenges with the knowledge you now have and make decisions around feeding moving forward. We want you to leave us feeling confident that you are the best mother to your baby.